Welcome! It's nice of you to come visit my website. I'm thrilled! I often wonder why a person might find themselves here, reading my words and looking at my art. Maybe we met at a party, or an exhibition, or perhaps through a friend in the valley. Maybe you found me on Instagram. It doesn't matter where we met, you're here! Whether you are an avid collector or just a curious passerby, I hope you enjoy your time here. Let me tell you a little about myself.
I knew I was an artist very early in my childhood, whiling away the hours doodling, sketching and collaging magazine clippings. My first attempt at political cartooning was in elementary school during Watergate. I can remember drawing the body of an alligator walking on four legs with the head of an over-exaggerated Nixon with that uncomfortable, forced smile. Begging my parents for art lessons became futile. Due to their 1960s conservative southern minds I was told, 'Artists are hippies and molesters!" It is funny now, but back then it sounded scary to me and I quit asking. In later years, they discouraged any formal training. Thankfully, they did pay for my first college degree, but I was not allowed to get a 'frivolous' art degree. So I chose to major in Advertising because it was the closest I could get to creativity. I graduated with a paltry 3.0 grade point average. But nothing could stop the artist from within to emerge. Years later, I returned to college on my own, earned a BFA in Art and graduated Magna Cum Laude. Eureka!
Today, I am fortunate enough to be a full time professional artist working in a vibrant creative community. I have two adult children who also live in Southern California. I raise chickens, own two cats, a beautiful horse and three wonderfully fluffy shih tzu doggies, Bonnie, Sadie and Quincey. My pups often keep me company in my studio. I watch them closely, so they don't eat my art supplies. They're so bad sometimes.